Each month we will make new tea(s) available based on a visit to the tea market. These teas may be new, aged, raw, ripe, puer, black, white, real or fake. We’ll be hunting for the most interesting teas and standout options. Along with the tea, we’ll pass on the information we get straight from the seller’s mouth, as well as a short interview – you can make the judgment from there.
What to expect will change from month to month, whether it’s a full 357g cake, a few mini-tongs of 10g coins, or “Bing Dao” maocha at a cost that’s too good to be true.
Our aim is to provide interesting, educational and value-focused teas that wouldn’t normally appear in our curated collection.
Very few people get to come all the way to Kunming (or China for that matter) and experience the market as a regular customer. Just as there are varying expectations, there are also varied experiences.
While we will try our best to provide you with the better options available from the market, this is your chance to experience the process of jumping from one shop to another, spread out over months. Hear the sales pitch, drink some “2000 year old gushu”, and get a sense of the scope of the tea market, all from your own home.
These will initially be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, with no subscription required. No need to sign up, no need to cancel. Just make sure you’re checking your email or our Instagram page to be notified about each month’s tea, as availability will be limited each month. And who knows, should this develop into a subscription model in the future, you can certainly expect additional perks.